Wireless Sensing

We at the Wireless Sensing group of WCSNG, focus on designing, researching, developing, and deploying wireless localization and sensing systems for a wide range of applications, including Extended Reality, Indoor Robotics, Navigation, Warehouse management and Industrial IoT 4.0, with the goal of providing accurate and reliable location and sensing estimates for humans, devices, and robots.

Latest News & Updates

  • January 2023 A 2nd iteration of [WILD] has been released for a Kaggle competition. More details can be found at [WAIP].
  • May 2022: Wide press coverage about our work in P2SLAM, Using everyday WiFi to help robots see and navigate better indoors. UCSD Press Coverage., eurekalert., Azosensors.
  • April 2022: The 1st international workshop for Wireless AI perception is happening at CVPR 2022. More details can be found at [WAIP].
  • September 2021UCSD News article on ULoc. New Upgrades to Old Wireless Tech Could Enable Real-Time 3D Motion Capture
  • April 2020: WCSNG group inspired from the need of contact tracing and proximity sensing, has developed a BLE based proximity sensing called BluBLE to tackle with the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Feb 2019: BLoc published in Dec 2018 has prposed the idea of long sequences of 1's and 0's along with multiple antenna BLE master to enable AoA esitmation along with relative ToF esimation. Later in January 2019, BLE 5.1 has propsoed CTE (series of un-whitened 1's) based protocol for AoA esitmation.



At WCSNG we develop systems that are deployable and reproducable, So, we open-sourced our Codes, Datasets, and Platform Designs to ensure reproducability and aid also to aid the wireless sensing research in the community.


  • DLoc code [Code] [paper]

    Roshan Ayyalasomayajula, Aditya Arun, Chenfeng Wu, Sanatan Sharma, Abhishek Sethi, Deepak Vasisht, and Dinesh Bharadia

    Pytorch code for the architecture implemented in Deep Learning based Wireless Localization for Indoor Navigation

  • P2SLAM Code [RA-L/ICRA'22] [Webpage] [Paper]

    Aditya Arun, Roshan Ayyalasomayajula, William Hunter, Dinesh Bharadia

    Code base for the Wi-Fi integration into SLAM algorithm for P2SLAM deployments

  • ULoc Data Processing Code [IMWUT/Ubicomp'21] [Code] [Paper]

    Scott hao, Tyler Chang, Aditya Arun, Roshan Ayyalasomayajula, Dinesh Bharadia

    Provides the code for post-processing the data collected by ULoc’s anchors

  • Datasets

    WILD: Wireless Indoor Localization Dataset

    [Webpage] [paper]

    Roshan Ayyalasomayajula, Aditya Arun, Chenfeng Wu, Dinesh Bharadia

    WILD-v2: Kaggle Compeition [Kaggle'23]


    Roshan Ayyalasomayajula, Wenshuo Zhang, Kanishka Roy, Aditya Arun, Dinesh Bharadia

    P2SLAM Dataset [RA-L/ICRA'22]

    [Webpage] [Paper]

    Aditya Arun, Roshan Ayyalasomayajula, William Hunter, Dinesh Bharadia


    MapFind: An autonomous labelled Wi-Fi data collection platform [Mobicom'20]

    [Webpage] [paper]

    Roshan Ayyalasomayajula, Chenfeng Wu, Aditya Arun, Dinesh Bharadia

    ULoc Hardware and Firmware [IMWUT/Ubicomp'21]

    [Design Files] [Paper]

    Scott hao, Tyler Chang, Aditya Arun, Roshan Ayyalasomayajula, Dinesh Bharadia

    Posters and Demos

    Poster: Towards CSI enabled Closed-loop WiFi based SLAM

    [HotMobile’23] [Poster]

    Roshan Ayyalasomayajula, Wei Sun, Aditya Arun, and Dinesh Bharadia

    Poster: Towards CSI enabled Closed-loop WiFi based SLAM

    [ICRA’22] [Poster]

    Aditya Arun, William Hunter, Roshan Ayyalasomayajula,, and Dinesh Bharadia

    Demo: Real-Time Low-Latency Tracking for UWB tags

    [MobiSys’22] [Poster]

    Aditya Arun, Tyler Chang, Yizheng Yu, Roshan Ayyalasomayajula, Dinesh Bharadia

    Demo: Towards CSI enabled Closed-loop WiFi based SLAM

    [NSDI’20] [Poster]

    Aditya Arun, Chenfeng Wu, Roshan Ayyalasomayajula, Ish Kumar Jain, and Dinesh Bharadia

    Full List of Publications


    “The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.” –Phil Jackson


    Dinesh Bharadia

    Principal Investigator, WCSNG
    Associate Professor
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
    University of California, San Diego

    Ph.D. Mentors

    Roshan Ayyalasomayajula

    PhD Student, started 2017
    roshana [at] eng.ucsd.edu

    Ish Kumar Jain

    PhD Student, started 2018
    ikjain [at] eng.ucsd.edu

    Aditya Arun

    PhD Student, started 2019
    aarun [at] eng.ucsd.edu

    Collaborations and Post Doctoral Researchers

    Wei Sun

    Post Doc, started Sep 2022
    w5sun [at] ucsd.edu

    Deepak Vasisht

    Currently an Assistant Professor at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne.
    deepakv [at] illinois.edu

    Shunsuke Saruwatari (saru)

    Visiting Scholar from Osaka University, Japan, started Jul 2022
    ssaruwatari [at] ucsd.edu


    Chi Zhang

    Postdoc in wireless networking and sensing. Ph.D. at Universityof Wisconsin, Madison
    c4zhang [at] eng.ucsd.edu

    Master’s Students

    Sureel Shah

    Master student since 2021

    Yizheng Yu

    Master student

    Alumni MS students

    • Yunchieh (Zena) Chang (MS 2020) (Deep Learning and Indoor Localization)
    • Sanatan Sharma (MS 2020) (Machine Learning) (Highlight: Mobicom’20) (Now at TuSimple, SD)
    • Shrivatsan Rajagopalan (MS 2019) (Localization) (Highlight: NSDI’20) (Now at Qualcomm, SD)
    • Aravind Seetharaman (MS 2019) (Localization) (Highlight: NSDI’20) (Now at Qualcomm, SJ)
    • Shreya Ganesaraman (MS 2019) (Localization) (Highlight: NSDI’20) (Now at Intel, SD)

    Bachelors Students

    William Hunter

    Undergrad student since 2019 (joined WCSNG in 2021)

    Kanishka Roy

    Undergrad student since 2020 (joined WCSNG in 2021)

    Wenshuo Zang

    Undergrad student (joined WCSNG in 2021)

    Alumni BS students

    • Joel Bisarra (BS’22) (Robotics)
    • Tyler Chang (BS’22) (Robotics) (Coauthor - ULoc at IMWUT’21)
    • Chenfeng Wu (BS’20, MS’21) (Localization) (Co-authored Mobicom’20, NSDI’20) (Now at Ford, Ann Arbor)
    • Scott Zhao (BS 2020) (Localization) (Now M.S. at Columbia, NY) (Lead-author IMWUT’21)
    UC San Diego Summer Research Internship Program (SRIP)

    Undergraduate/ Masters students - apply to SRIP program here.

    Summer 2020
    • Minghui (Scott) Zhao (BS)
    • Shivani Bhakta (BS)
    • Tyler Chang (BS)
    Summer 2019
    • Chenfeng Wu (BS) (Robotics SLAM)
    • Scott Zhao (BS) (VR tracking using Radar)
    • Keshav Mittal (BS) (Localization)
    International Summer Interns
    Summer 2019
    • Rushang Gupta [IITD] (Bluetooth localization)
    • Aman Tiwari [IITD] (Phone SLAM)
    Summer 2018
    • Raghav Sonavane [IITKgp] (In-body communication) (Now at Sprinklr, India)